FIG. 3.
Effect of exogenously added IAA on ipdC expression in Sp245 and the IpdC− mutant, FAJ009. To obtain cultures at various cell densities of Sp245(pFAJ64) (A) and FAJ009(pFAJ64) (B) different flasks containing 100 ml of LB* medium were inoculated with different volumes of preculture and grown overnight at 30°C. From each culture, six samples of 3 ml were transferred to sterile test tubes. Three test tubes of each series were supplemented with IAA to a final concentration of 1 mM (solid bars); to the remaining three test tubes no IAA was added (open bars). After 3.5 h of additional growth at 30°C, β-glucuronidase activity was assayed as detailed in the legend of Fig. 1. Data are the means from the three replicates. Error bars denote the standard deviations.