Table 2.
Patient | Eye Sampled | Inflammation Grade (SUN) | Duration of Current Flare (Symptoms) | Topical Steroids∗ | Anatomic Involvement | Disease Duration | Disease Course | Eyes Involved | Systemic Therapies∗ | Ocular Surgical History before Sampling | Prior Therapies | Angiotensin Converting Enzyme | CXR | Rheumatology Evaluation | Follow-up Notes |
UV031 | Left | 2+ cell, 2+ flare | Chronic, uncontrolled for months | PF thrice daily for months | Anterior/intermediate | 8 yrs | Chronic | Both | MTX, ETN | Bilateral cataract surgeries | Oral prednisone, STK, PF eye drops | 20 | Minimal right lung base scarring, no LAD or granulomas | No evidence of systemic rheumatologic disease | ETN stopped, ADA started, MTX continued with questionable adherence and persistent inflammation |
UV150 | Right | 1+ cell, 1+ flare | 90 days | PF 6×/day for 3 wks | Anterior/intermediate | 2 yrs | Chronic | Both | None | None | Oral prednisone, PF eye drops | 22 | Focal opacification of left lingual, no LAD or granulomas | ANA 1:80, possible history of malar rash; however, no systemic disease found | Uncontrolled with MTX and IFX; serial Ozurdex, Durezol; bilateral cataract and glaucoma surgeries (AGVI) |
UV170 | Left | 2+ cell, 1+ flare | 8 days | PF 4 times daily for 2 days | Anterior, with inactive appearing MFC scars | 2 yrs | Recurrent | Both | None | Bilateral cataract surgeries | PF eye drops | 23 | No LAD or granulomas | No evidence of systemic disease | One subsequent anterior uveitis flare treated with PF |
UV174 | Left | 3+ cell, 2+ flare | 30 days | No drops | Anterior/intermediate | 8 yrs | Recurrent | Both | None | Bilateral cataract surgeries | Multiple STK, PF eye drops | 24 | No LAD or granulomas | Not performed, no symptoms consistent with systemic rheumatologic disease | Controlled with BL vitrectomy and Retiserts |
ADA = adalimumab; AGVI = Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation; ANA = antinuclear antibodies; Durezol = difluprednate eye drops; ETN = etanercept; IFX = infliximab; LAD = lymphadenopathy; MFC = multifocal choroiditis; MTX = methotrexate; Ozurdex = injectable intravitreal dexamethasone implant that releases steroid for 3 mos; PF = prednisolone forte or prednisolone acetate eye drops; Retisert = surgically placed fluocinolone implant; STK = periocular (subtenon) Kenalog injection; SUN = Standardization in Uveitis Nomenclature criteria for quantifying anterior chamber cell and flare.
At the time of sampling.