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. 2021 Mar 13;1(1):100010. doi: 10.1016/j.xops.2021.100010

Table 2.

Clinical Data

Patient Eye Sampled Inflammation Grade (SUN) Duration of Current Flare (Symptoms) Topical Steroids Anatomic Involvement Disease Duration Disease Course Eyes Involved Systemic Therapies Ocular Surgical History before Sampling Prior Therapies Angiotensin Converting Enzyme CXR Rheumatology Evaluation Follow-up Notes
UV031 Left 2+ cell, 2+ flare Chronic, uncontrolled for months PF thrice daily for months Anterior/intermediate 8 yrs Chronic Both MTX, ETN Bilateral cataract surgeries Oral prednisone, STK, PF eye drops 20 Minimal right lung base scarring, no LAD or granulomas No evidence of systemic rheumatologic disease ETN stopped, ADA started, MTX continued with questionable adherence and persistent inflammation
UV150 Right 1+ cell, 1+ flare 90 days PF 6×/day for 3 wks Anterior/intermediate 2 yrs Chronic Both None None Oral prednisone, PF eye drops 22 Focal opacification of left lingual, no LAD or granulomas ANA 1:80, possible history of malar rash; however, no systemic disease found Uncontrolled with MTX and IFX; serial Ozurdex, Durezol; bilateral cataract and glaucoma surgeries (AGVI)
UV170 Left 2+ cell, 1+ flare 8 days PF 4 times daily for 2 days Anterior, with inactive appearing MFC scars 2 yrs Recurrent Both None Bilateral cataract surgeries PF eye drops 23 No LAD or granulomas No evidence of systemic disease One subsequent anterior uveitis flare treated with PF
UV174 Left 3+ cell, 2+ flare 30 days No drops Anterior/intermediate 8 yrs Recurrent Both None Bilateral cataract surgeries Multiple STK, PF eye drops 24 No LAD or granulomas Not performed, no symptoms consistent with systemic rheumatologic disease Controlled with BL vitrectomy and Retiserts

ADA = adalimumab; AGVI = Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation; ANA = antinuclear antibodies; Durezol = difluprednate eye drops; ETN = etanercept; IFX = infliximab; LAD = lymphadenopathy; MFC = multifocal choroiditis; MTX = methotrexate; Ozurdex = injectable intravitreal dexamethasone implant that releases steroid for 3 mos; PF = prednisolone forte or prednisolone acetate eye drops; Retisert = surgically placed fluocinolone implant; STK = periocular (subtenon) Kenalog injection; SUN = Standardization in Uveitis Nomenclature criteria for quantifying anterior chamber cell and flare.

At the time of sampling.