Fig. 4.
Validation of CRANAD-2 binding to Aβ deposits. (a-e) CRANAD-2 staining in brain tissue sections from arcAβ mouse and non-transgenic mouse. Sections were stained with CRANAD-2 (red), DAPI (blue) and anti-Aβ1-16 antibody 6E10 (green) in the hippocampus and cortex of arcAβ mice at ×20 magnification. Scale bar = 100 m (b, c) and 50 m (a, d, e). No clear signal was detected in the cortex from non-transgenic littermate. (f) The emission spectrum of CRANAD-2 upon binding with Aβ1-42. (h) Comparison of NIRF signals with and without Aβ1-42 for ROI indicated on (g) NIRF imaging of probe on a slide wrapped with black tap, scale (a.u.) 0-1; Increased fluorescence when CRANAD-2 is incubated in the presence of Aβ fibrils. Hip, hippocampus; Ctx, cortex; ThS, Thioflavin S.