Super-resolution images of Integrin αV and BMP2R on FN/FN + VN/VN + BMP2 substrates. MSCs were seeded onto different substrates for 3 h, followed by integrin αV (white), BMP2R (magenta), actin (yellow) and DAPI (cyan) staining. MSCs treated with soluble BMP2 were set as a control. (A), PEA + FN + BMP2 substrate; (B), PEA + FN + VN + BMP2 substrate; (C), PEA + VN + BMP2; (D), MSCs treated with soluble BMP2. BMP2R could be observed to be fibrillar and organized, extending from the centre to the edge of the cells within the MSCs on the FN + BMP2 and FN + VN + BMP2 substrates, while MSCs on VN + BMP2 and soluble BMP2 groups BMP2R remains concentrated in the perinuclear area. No significant difference was observed in αV integrin distribution on these substrates. The scale bar is 10 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)