Immunoblotting analysis of paediatric (C1 and C2) and adult controls (C3 and C4) and DNM1L P1 (p.Gly401Ser), P2 (p.Glys363Asp), P3 (p.Leu230dup), and P4 (p.Arg710Gly) patient fibroblasts showing the steady-state levels of DRP1 and MID51 proteins. The nuclear-encoded SDHA (Complex II) and β-actin were used as loading controls. Data information: Representative blots of three independent SDS–PAGE experiments are shown. Densitometric quantification of Western blots showing the mean % of relative band intensities between DNM1L patients (P1–P4) and control samples (SDHA–loading control, CP–paediatric control, CA–adult control). The error bars represent SD (n = 3).
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