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. 2022 Jul 22;10:961342. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.961342

Table 4.

Results of hierarchical linear multiple regression models.

Dependent variable = swimming competence
Step Independent variables β 95% CI of B F ΔF R 2 ΔR2 VIF
Demographic factors
1 Age 0.171** 20.690 to 32.551 25.378** N/A 0.036 N/A 1.027
Sex −0.049** −60.951 to −8.378 1.000
Parents' highest education 0.059** 8.130 to 27.842 1.048
Family Income 0.037 0.591 to 25.340 1.038
Swimming experience
2 Years of swimming −0.054** −11.433 to −4.441 66.038** 102.928** 0.162 0.126 1.028
Frequency of swimming 0.304** 14.834 to 32.525 1.482
Swimming duration 0.051* −0.014 to 1.067 1.443
Winter swimming −0.044* −60.303 to −4.562 1.294
Swimming location
2 Public swimming pool −0.042* −58.707 to −13.848 19.535** 14.478** 0.060 0.025 1.049
School swimming pool 0.025 2.361 to 125.652 1.036
Club swimming pool −0.139** −165.500 to −75.154 1.052
Estate swimming pool 0.031 −1.160 to 47.519 1.039
Beach 0.046* 1.239 to 97.989 1.053
Swimming accessibility
2 Public swimming pool 0.003 −29.380 to 44.213 16.989** 10.057** 0.053 0.017 1.056
School swimming pool −0.004 −106.842 to 68.074 1.023
Club swimming pool −0.117** −128.647 to −60.982 1.036
Estate swimming pool 0.044* 6.093 to 55.270 1.039
Beach 0.047* 3.550 to 76.367 1.062
Learning experience
2 Learning experience −0.004 −5.624 to 3.648 20.194** 0.048** 0.035 0.000 1.003

Step 1 was identical throughout the three models. CI of B, 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence. VIF, variance inflation factor. Swimming duration, duration of each swimming session in minutes. Learning experience, “Learn swimming from whom?”. PE teacher, physical education teacher. *p <0.05; **p <0.01; N/A - not applicable.