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. 2022 Jul 22;10:947375. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.947375

Table 1.

Baseline value.

Variable Baseline value Range Distribution References
Minimum Maximum
Weilbull OS survival model in Nivolumab plus ipilimumab Shape = 1.19536, scale = 25.48855 - - Weilbull Model fitting
Log-normal PFS survival model in Nivolumab plus ipilimumab Meanlog = 1.88660, sdlog = 1.23141 - - log-normal Model fitting
Log-logistic OS survival model in chemotherapy Shape = 1.7027, scale = 14.1088 - - log-logistic Model fitting
Log-logistic PFS survival model in chemotherapy Shape = 2.185, scale = 7.392 - - log-logistic Model fitting
Risk for main adverse events
Nivolumab plus ipilimumab group
Diarrhea 0.003 0.0024 0.0036 Beta Checkmate 743
Increased lipase 0.005 0.004 0.006 Beta Checkmate 743
Increased amylase 0.003 0.0024 0.0036 Beta Checkmate 743
Anemia 0.36 0.288 0.432 Beta Checkmate 743
Nausea 0.36 0.288 0.432 Beta Checkmate 743
Decreased appetite 0.18 0.144 0.216 Beta Checkmate 743
Health utility scores
Utility of PFS 0.65 0.52 0.78 Beta (24)
Utility of PD 0.47 0.376 0.564 Beta (24)
Cost, $/per cycle
Cisplatin 48.6108 38.88864 58.33296 9.72216 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Carboplatin 55.80288 44.6423 66.963456 11.160576 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Pemetrexed 12,832.512 10,266.01 15,399.0144 2,566.5024 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Nivolumab 18,419.94 14,735.95 22,103.928 3,683.988 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Ipilimumab 11,258.31 9,006.648 13,509.972 2,251.662 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Laboratory_test 157.5 126 189 31.5 Gamma
Follow-up 59.2 47.36 71.04 11.84 Gamma
Administration 69.81 55.848 83.772 13.962 Gamma
Best supportive care 117.1 93.68 140.52 23.42 Gamma (25)
Pembrolizumab 21,479.6 17,183.68 25,775.52 4,295.92 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Vinorelbine 227.2756 181.8205 272.73072 45.45512 Gamma 2022 Payment allowance limits for Medicare
Expenditures on main AEs, $
Diarrhea 303 242 363 Gamma (26)
Increased lipase 2,933 2,346.4 3,519.6 586.6 Gamma (27)
Increased amylase 2,933 2,346.4 3,519.6 586.6 Gamma (27)
Anemia 493.04 246.52 739.56 98.608 Gamma (28)
Nausea 218.27 174.616 261.924 43.654 Gamma (29)
Decreased appetite 115.4 103.8 126.9 23.08 Gamma (30)
Disutility due to AEs
Diarrhea −0.047 −0.0564 −0.0376 −0.0094 Beta (31)
Increased lipase −0.47 −0.564 −0.376 −0.094 Beta (27)
Increased amylase −0.47 −0.564 −0.376 −0.094 Beta (27)
Anemia −0.09 −0.108 −0.072 −0.018 Beta (29)
Nausea −0.048 −0.0576 −0.0384 −0.0096 Beta (29)
Decreased appetite −0.038 −0.0456 −0.0304 −0.0076 Beta (31)
Risk for Subsequent therapy
Nivolumab plus ipilimumab group
Immunotherapy 0.033 0.0264 0.0396 0.0066 Beta Checkmate 743
Chemotherapy 0.432 0.3456 0.5184 0.0864 Beta Checkmate 743
Immunotherapy 0.202 0.1616 0.2424 0.0404 Beta Checkmate 743
Chemotherapy 0.315 0.252 0.378 0.063 Beta Checkmate 743