(A–B’’) Shown are a cross section (A–A’’) and a tangential section (B–B’’) of a garland cell nephrocyte that expresses GAL80ts alone, stained for Nephrin (Sns) and Neph1 (Kirre). Nuclei are marked by Hoechst 33342 in blue here and throughout the figure. (C–D’’) Rab5 stains in small vesicles at the cell periphery in control nephrocytes (C–C’’). Silencing Rab5 strongly diminishes the Rab5 signal and fly Neph1 reveals mislocalization. This indicates that short-term silencing is sufficient for a significant knockdown of Rab5. (E–F’) Nephrocytes expressing Rab5-RNAi for 24 hr were subject to transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining but no specific signal from the nuclei is observed (E, compare to Hoechst 33342 in E’), indicating that cells are not apoptotic. In contrast, when silencing fly nephrin as a positive control, we observed appearance of TUNEL-positive cells (F–F’). (G–H’’) Nephrocytes with short-term expresison of a dominant negative Rab5 for 24 hr show ectopic slit diaphragm protein below the surface in cross sections (G–G’’) and blurry and confluent lines of slit diaphragm protein in tangential sections (H–H’’).