Figure 3. Septin7 is critical for proper cellular development and myotube differentiation.
(A) Confocal images of Septin7 immunolabeling (green) and actin filaments (red) and their co-localization in control C2C12 cells. Calibration is 20 µm. Transmitted light images of control (B) and Septin7 knockout (KO; C) cells demonstrating that complete KO of Septin7 in C2C12 cells prevents appropriate cell proliferation. Scale bar is 50 µm for both the control and KO cells. (D) Partial knockdown (KD) of Septin7 expression at proliferation stage (nondifferentiated [ND]) and 5 days after differentiation induction (D5). 8 µg of protein samples from absolute control (Ctrl), scrambled transfected (Scr), and S7-KD cells in each case were loaded to SDS-PAGE gel, and following electrophoresis and blot transfer into nitrocellulose membrane, Septin7 (50 kDa) and α-actinin (110 kDa) were probed with the appropriate primary antibodies. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 at the bottom of the gels indicate Ctrl, Scr, and S7-KD samples, respectively. First and last lines in the ladders correspond to 35 and 250, and 70 and 250 kDa, for the upper and lower panels, respectively. Immunolabeling of Septin7 filaments in Scr (E) and S7-KD cells (F) demonstrating altered filament structure, cell size, and shape. Scale bar is 20 µm. Quantification of changes in cell morphology, area (G) and circularity (H) in S7-KD cultures. Green triangles represent Scr, while red squares represent S7-KD cells. The number of cells investigated was 96 in Scr and 121 in S7-KD cultures; *p<0.05, ***p<0.001 from t-test; experiment was repeated twice (N = 2). (I) Decreased proliferation 3 days after the plating assessed as CyQUANT fluorescence (n = 24; N = 3) and (J) suppressed differentiation of S7-KD cells determined by the calculation of fusion index during 6 days of investigation (n = 20; N = 2). Horizontal line in (J) shows where the difference between Scr and S7-KD cells was statistically significant (*p<0.05 from t-test). See also Figure 3—figure supplement 1 and Figure 3—figure supplement 2.