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. 2022 Jul 22;9:866131. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.866131


Four-dimensional flow CMR studies assessing eft ventricular diastolic function using flow component analysis.

Reference N Disease/subject 4D diastolic parameters Comparison vs. conventional diastolic parameters Relevant findings
Healthy controls
Sundin et al. (77) 12 controls Dobutamine stress Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
Improved flow efficiency (↑ DF%, ↓RV%) with dobutamine stress
↑ mean ED KE of all flow components with dobutamine stress
Stoll et al. (76) 45 controls Test-retest variability Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
DF was the largest component, followed by RV, DEF and RI.
DF had greatest mean ED KE, followed by RI, DEF, and RV.
Eriksson et al. (72) 12 controls
1 DCM patient
Normal blood flow Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI + RV%) in DCM patient
↓mean ED KE of DF, ↑ overall diastolic KE of non-inflow volume (DEF + RV) in DCM patient
Bolger et al. (71) 17 controls
1 DCM patient
Normal blood flow Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI + RV%) in DCM patient
Similar DF diastolic KE loss in DCM patient, however greater loss of total inflow diastolic KE
Cardiovascular disease
Stoll et al. (79) 64 HF patients
36 controls
HF (mixed etiology) Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI + RV%) in HF patients
↓mean ED and average KE of DF, ↑ mean ED KE of non-ejected volume (RI + RV) in HF patients.
Corrado et al. (73) 12 MI patients
10 controls
Post MI Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI, DEF and RV%) post ant. MI.
No significant difference in average KE post ant. MI.
Karlsson et al. (78) 10 AF patients Post cardioversion Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE
Improved flow efficiency (↑ DF%, ↓RV%) post cardioversion.
↑ mean ED KE of DF, and ↓mean ED KE of RV post cardioversion.
Eriksson et al. (28) 6 controls
3 DCM patients
Semi-automatic analysis Flow component volumes The semi-automatic analysis approach used was accurate and had good reproducibility
Eriksson et al. (74) 10 DCM patients
10 controls
HF (DCM) Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI, DEF and RV%) in DCM. No significant difference in mean ED KE of DF, but ↑ ED KE of RI, DEF and RV in DCM.
Zajac et al. (80) 22 HF patients
(50% with LBBB)
HF (mixed etiology)
Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
No significant difference in LVEDV ratio in patients with LBBB.
↓mean ED KE of Direct Flow in patients with LBBB.
Svalbring et al. (75) 26 IHD patients
10 controls
LV remodeling and dysfunction Flow component volumes
Flow component diastolic KE*
Reduced flow efficiency (↓DF%, ↑ RI + RV%) with increased LV volumes.
↓mean ED KE of Direct Flow, ↑ mean ED KE of non-ejected volume (RI + RV) with increased LV volumes.

DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; DF, direct flow; DEF, delayed ejection flow; HF, heart failure; IHD, ischemic heart disease; KE, kinetic energy; LBBB, left bundle branch block; LV, left ventricle; MI, myocardial infarction; RI, retained inflow; RV, residual volume. *Indexed to flow component volume.