Enabling and quantifying AOAO rotation
(A) Diagram for enabling consistent AOAO rotational motion via matrix embedding.
(B) Diagram depicting the computational method for calculating the organoid’s angular rotational motion: r0, the center of the organoid; rt, the position of the correspondence at time t; and rt+1, the position of the correspondence at time t+1.
(C) Stepwise description of the computational framework used to calculate correspondence movement.
(D) The tangential speed (μm/s) and angular speed (rad/s) normalized by their mean values for a representative organoid. The X axis is the position of correspondences along the X axis of the ROI. The speed of correspondences on the organoid, perpendicular to every position on the X axis was projected onto the X axis and averaged to obtain the tangential or angular speed for that position. The velocities were then normalized by their mean values. The color shaded regions represent the region of organoids which was used to calculate the tangential and angular speed.
(E) Deviation in the angular and tangential speed with respect to their mean values of 10 representative organoids from three independent replicates. The deviation was calculated by taking the mean squared difference between the speed profile and its mean value. The deviation was then normalized by the mean value.
(F) The instantaneous angular speed profile of 10 representative organoids from three independent replicates. The running mean (window = 5) of instantaneous angular speed was shown as the solid line. ∗∗∗p < 0.001, Unpaired t-test.