Representative images of high (≥ 321) (A, B, C) and low (<321) (D, E, F) CD66b Normalized AQUA Score immune stromal compartment (IC) in the discovery cohort YTMA471 (A,D), the validation cohort YTMA404 (B,E) and the non-ITX cohort YTMA423 (C,F) by QIF. Cytokeratin (green), CD45 (yellow), CD68 (red), CD66b (magenta), DAPI (blue). Dynamic range of CD66b expression in immune stromal compartment (IC) in the discovery cohort YTMA471 (G), validation cohort, YTMA404 (H) and in the non-ITX cohort, YTMA423 (I). The dashed line is on the level of Normalized (Norm) AQUA Score 321, calculated with X-tile, in the discovery cohort YTMA471 and applied on YTMA404 and YTMA423; Immune stroma compartment, IC; Yale tissue microarray, YTMA; quantitative immunofluorescence, QIF; automated quantitative analysis (AQUA™); digital spatial profiling, DSP; Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors, ICI