Fig. 1. Flowchart of this study.
a Testing the candidate models with CFA on the behavioral data. b Using the neural data to constrain the models based on the behavioral data. c Combining CPM and Neurosynth to identify brain regions for each component in the selected model. d Using the genetic data to constrain the models selected based on behavioral data and to characterize the genetic architecture of EF components based on Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA). e The gene-brain-behavior pathway for EF components. The yellow boxes show the sample size and data, the gray boxes show the behavioral models, the white and blue boxes show the intermediate products of the gene, brain, and behavioral data in the processing pipeline, and the dark blue boxes show the final products of the gene, brain, and behavioral data used for the pathway analysis. CPM a connectome-based predictive model, MAGENTA Meta-Analysis Gene-set Enrichment of variaNT Associations, AHBA the Allen Human Brain Atlas.