Fig. 1.
(A) Encapsulation of S1 subunit in CaCO3 microspheres, followed by coating with TA/PEG films by LBL assembly. (B-D) SEM images of the empty CaCO3 microspheres (B), BSA@CaCO3 microspheres (C) and BSA@CaCO3/(TA/PEG)5 microspheres (D). (E, F) Size distribution of empty CaCO3 (E) and the BSA@CaCO3 (F) microspheres determined using dynamic light scattering (DLS). (G) Zeta potential of BSA@CaCO3 microspheres, the same microspheres deposited sequentially with a PEI layer and a 5 bilayer TA/PEG film.