Extended Data Fig. 6 |. COSMIC mutational signature contributions to single-neuron signatures and disease-related mutational patterns.
a, The set of trinucleotide contexts in single neuron signatures derived in the prior study (signatures A and C)5, along with single neuron signatures derived de novo from single AD and control neurons (signatures N4 and N2 derived using MutationalPatterns, and signatures W3 and W2 derived using SignatureAnalyzer) were analysed for contributions by COSMIC v3 single base substitution mutational signatures by NMF. The matching prior and de novo signatures show highly similar COSMIC signature contributions. b, The set of mutation trinucleotide contexts present in AD and control neuron genomes amplified by MDA, as well as the matrix of mutations obtained by subtracting control from AD (AD residual), were analysed for contributions by COSMIC signatures. Multiple COSMIC signatures identified here, many of which also contribute to signature C5, are associated with transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair at particular damaged nucleotides with specific resultant base changes, including: SBS8 (guanine damage, C>A mutations), SBS22 (adenine damage, T>A mutations), SBS12 (adenine damage, T>C mutations), and SBS19 (guanine damage, C>T mutations). Other signatures have been associated with deficiencies of separate DNA repair processes: SBS6 (mismatch repair) and SBS30 (base excision repair). SBS5, associated with ageing, contributes significantly to the control and AD samples, but not to the AD residual mutations.