Figure 1. Graft‐derived macrophages in demyelinating lesions.
ABone marrow isolated from actin‐GFP mice was transplanted into preconditioned recipients.
BFlow cytometry analyses of recipient blood 2 months post‐transplant. (Bi) Transplanted cells detected by GFP fluorescence. (Bii) CD11b labeling shows a large proportion of monocytes expressing GFP.
CDemyelinating lesions in chimeric mice at 3 dpl. (Ci) Demyelination was induced by injecting LPC in the spinal cord white matter. (Cii–Civ) Co‐immunolabeling for GFP, MBP, and a mixture of CD11b/CD68, showing graft‐derived macrophages in the lesion (identified by lack of MBP staining). White lines indicate lesion borders. Scale bar 20 μm. MBP—myelin basic protein; GFP—green fluorescent protein.
Source data are available online for this figure.