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. 2022 Apr 29;241(3):716–728. doi: 10.1111/joa.13682



Phylomorphospace of the allometry‐corrected atlas of caecilian amphibians (V1; n = 83). Circles represent species means (n = 28). Warped surfaces represent the shape variation associated with the extreme of the PCs. In blue, the minimum extreme and in red, the positive extreme. AC: atlantal cotyle. See Figure 1 for complete legend and orientation of the vertebrae. Ae: Atretochoana eiselti, Bb: Boulengerula boulengeri, Bf: Boulengerula fischeri, Bt: Boulengerula taitanus, Cm: Caecilia museugoeldi, Ct: Caecilia tentaculata, Dm: Dermophis mexicanus, Eb: Epicrionops bicolor, Ga: Grandisonia alternans, Gr: Gegeneophis ramaswamii, Gs: Geotrypetes seraphini, Hr: Hypogeophis rostratus, Hs: Herpele squalostoma, Ib: Ichthyophis bombayensis, Ik: Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, Mu: Microcaecilia unicolor, Mv: Mimosiphonops vermiculatus, Pk: Potomotyphlus kaupii, Rb: Rhinatrema bivittatum, Sa: Siphonops annulatus, Sg: Schistometopum gregorii, Sk: Scolecomorphus kirkii, St: Schistometopum thomense, Su: Scolecomorphus uluguruensis, Syg: Sylvacaecilia grandisonae, Tc: Typhlonectes compressicauda, Tn: Typhlonectes natans, Uo: Uraeotyphlus oxyurus