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. 2022 Jul 18;23(8):e13730. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13730


A Image quality quality assurance (QA) testing tolerances from American College of Radiology (ACR) and TG‐284 using the ACR Large MRI Phantom

QA tests TG‐284 ACR
Image quality
Geometric accuracy ±2 mm across 25‐cm field of view (FOV) with phantom >30 cm in diameter ±2 mm using Large ACR Phantom
High contrast spatial resolution ≤1.0 mm ≤1.0 mm
Low contrast detectability

21 (0.3 T) to 36 (1.5 T) total spokes,

40 spokes (3 T)

≥7 spokes, 9 spokes preferred (1.5 T),

≥37 spokes (3 T) b

Artifact evaluation No observable artifacts No observable artifacts
Percent image uniformity (head coil)

≥87.5% for 1.5 T,

≥82.0% for 3.0 T

≥87.5 % for 1.5 T,

≥82.0 % for 3.0 T

Percent signal ghosting ≤2.5% ≤2.5 %
Central frequency Vendor‐specified Vendor‐specified (i.e. ± 500 Hz a )
Transmitter gain ±5% from baseline Vendor‐specified (i.e. ± 0.05 dB a )
Flexible RF coil testing Individual elements, exceeds minimum vendor‐specified threshold Vendor‐specified
B Mechanical, patient marking, system, and other quality assurance (QA) testing tolerances from American College of Radiology (ACR) and TG‐284
QA tests TG‐284 ACR
Mechanical tests
Table movement smoothness and accuracy ±1.0 mm from set distances ±5.0 mm from set distance
Laser alignment with imaging isocenter ±2.0 mm from expected distance offsets NA
Laser movement smoothness and accuracy ±2.0 mm from set distances NA
Patient marking
Laser marking accuracy ±2.0 mm NA
Room temperature and humidity Functional Functional
Cold head operation Functional Functional
Cryogen level indicator Functional Functional
Magnetic field homogeneity Vendor specified across a specified DSV or <0.5 ppm volume root mean square (VRMS) over a 35 cm DSV Vendor specified across a specified DSV (e.g. <2 ppm VRMS over a 24‐cm DSV c )
RF coil evaluation Coil and vendor dependent, ± one standard deviation from baseline for SNR, percent image uniformity, and percent signal ghosting Coil and vendor specified for SNR, percent image uniformity, and percent signal ghosting
External Laser Alignment with Isocenter ≤1 mm NA

Tolerance for Philips Ingenia 3.0 T system used for testing at our institution.


Tolerances are specified over all slices and for all 40 spokes per the ACR's measurement method for annual testing 2 .


Vendor‐specified tolerance for Philips Ingenia 3.0 T system used for testing at our institution.

Abbreviations: DSV, diameter spherical volume; NA, not applicable.