Mentorship sessions: establishing positive nurturing relationships and network |
Nurturing personal relationships
Relationships that encourage and motivate
Crucial conversations for health care work
Module 1: building hardiness and maintaining a positive outlook |
Defining positive outlook and personal hardiness
What is known about workplace hardiness?
Strategies for success: prioritizing activities in time-pressured environments, learned optimism, assertive communication
An authentic life
Self-awareness: past, present, future
Identify the elements of a positive outlook and personality hardiness related to nursing
Demonstrate benefits of a positive outlook and developing hardiness for job satisfaction, health, and well-being
Formulate individual strategies for improving and maintaining a positive outlook and hardiness
Module 2: IFb and EIc
IF: definitions and characteristics
Links to nursing research and resilience
Dimensions of EI
Emotional labor
Strategies for success: expand your thinking, creative thinking, self-monitoring, expressing emotion creatively
Define principles of IF and EI
Define significant existing research findings regarding IF and EI as they relate to nursing
Evaluate advantages of applying elements of IF and EI to nursing practice
Reflect on strategies to assist creative/critical thinking
Module 3: reflective and critical thinking |
Identify importance of therapeutic use of self and reflection in expert practice
Demonstrate understanding of the benefits of the reflective process to nursing practice and its underlying knowledge, influences, and motivations
Define a model of reflection shown to increase critical thinking skills and develop reflexive practice
Analyze individual strategies to creatively access and explore the reflection process
Module 4: achieving life balance and enabling spirituality |
Work/life balance: What is balance?
Why is it so hard?
Envisioning work/life balance
Historical, gender, and power contexts
Assumptions about “juggling”
Strategies for success: being comfortable doing less; adding new things to life
Enabling spirituality: definition
Spirituality and nursing care, health
Women, spirituality, and communities
Define the importance of an awareness of work/life balance for health and well-being
Demonstrate strategies for improving work/life balance
Formulate historical/political background of women’s roles in caring and other work
Explore some aspects of spiritually responsive nursing care available to them
Explore personal perspectives on individual spirituality and its relationship to contemporary lifestyles
All modules (cross-cutting): moving forward and planning for the future |
The reflective process
Reflection and expert practice
Strategies for success: thinking critically, reflection circuit, exhibition and participant presentations, planning for the future (goal setting)
Identify features of a resilient person and relate them to individual experiences
Formulate strategies for continuation and permanency of resilient beliefs and behaviors
Demonstrate an understanding of the ongoing process of resilience and the protective benefits of committing to the long-term maintenance of personal well-being