Figure 12.
Effect of Abx gut microbiota depletion on the behavior profile in Abx-treated Ztm (ZtmAbx) mice compared to Abx-treated WT (WTAbx) mice. Marble Burying (a, b): No differences in the number of marbles buried were observed in Abx-treated males (a) and Abx treated females (b). Open field (C, D, E, F): No significative difference in the time spent in the center of the filed was observed in Abx-treated Ztm males compared to Abx-treated WT mice (c). Abx treated Ztm females spend significantly more time in the center of the field than Abx-treated WT females (d). Distance traveled was similar for both males (e) and females (f). Track images are representative of each group. Elevated Zero Maze (g, h): Abx-treated Ztm male mice spend significatively less time in the open arm than Abx-treated WT mice (g). No differences were detected in the female group (h). N = 8–13.