Bevacizumab treatment in MDA-MD-231 tumors changes systemic VEGF and hemoglobin levels, while influencing VEGF positivity in the responding tumors. A and B, Systemic levels of hVEGF (A) in the circulation are significantly reduced in responding mice but no change in mVEGF (B) was observed (Ctrl, nmice = 5; Bev-NR, nmice = 6; Bev-R, nmice = 3). C, Responding mice also showed a significant increase in systemic levels of biochemical hemoglobin (Ctrl, nmice = 7; Bev-NR, nmice = 8; Bev-R, nmice = 2). D and E, hVEGF measured using IHC in the respective tumors showed a significant increase in positivity in the responders (Ctrl, ntumors = 14, Bev-NR, ntumors = 14; Bev-R, ntumors = 5). Scale bars, 50 µm. P values are displayed from two-sided Student t tests except in D, where a Welch t test was performed because of unequal variances.