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. 2022 Aug 8;13:4628. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31629-1

Fig. 5. Thy1+ stem cells are critical for proper wound repair of the skin.

Fig. 5

a Schematic of induction and wounding. bd Thy1+ cell progeny migrate to the wound in a clonal fashion and can be detected at day 60 post wound infliction within the wound site [n = 3 mice]. e At 120 days post wounding, clonal units can be detected in the neo-epidermis that deviate from the regular epidermal proliferative unit (EPU) structure [n = 3 mice]. f Mean number of cornified units per basal clone at 30, 60, and 120 days post induction in homeostatic (unwounded) skin and wound areas [n = 3 mice per time point, 30 clones per mouse]. g Fold difference in number of EYFP-labeled α6hiSca1hiThy1hi SCs following a 14-day chase post induction (0 days), and after 14 days in wounded or unwounded dorsal skin [n = 3 mice per group]. ns (P = 0.778) and ***P= 0.0004 (two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test). All error bars show ±S.E.M. All source data are provided as a Source Data file. Scale bars: 200 μm (bd), 50 μm (e).