CColocalization of C3, GFAP and NeuN in the spinal cord of TMEV-IDD and rEAE mice. TMEV-IDD and rEAE mice were necropsied at ~120 dpi (chronic stage) and ~15 dpimm (acute relapse), respectively. Spinal cords were harvested for immunohistochemical analyses of the complement component C3 (A, M, D, P, G, S, J, V), the astrocytic marker GFAP (B, E, H, K) and the neuronal marker NeuN (N, Q, T, W). Age-matched sham controls (A, D, M, P) show no apparent C3 staining. In contrast, TMEV-IDD (G, S) and rEAE (J, V) show diffuse C3 deposits along the spinal cord. In TMEV-IDD, C3 (green) colocalizes with GFAP (red in I) and NeuN (red in U), confirming an association between the complement system, reactive astrocytes, and neuronal cell bodies. In rEAE, we found that C3 (green) colocalizes with GFAP (red in L) but not NeuN (red in X), confirming, in these mice, an association of the complement system with reactive astrocytes but not neuronal cell bodies. Merge of C3 and GFAP (C, F, I, L) and C3 and NeuN (O, R, U, X) is shown with DAPI (Blue) for clarity of nucleus localization. Insets in images show white boxed areas at higher magnification. Images are representative of 5-6 mice per group. Representative z stacks are shown and the scale bar = 100μM.