Figure 5.
CNS gene expression of early complement components and their association with disease outcomes. Gene expression of C1q, CFb, and MBL was determined by rt-PCR in spinal cords from TMEV-IDD mice (n = 26) at day ~120 post-infection or rEAE mice (n = 20) at day ~15 post-immunization. (A–C) Scatter plots display C1q (A), CFb (B) and MBL (C) in TMEV-IDD or rEAE mice with mean ± SEM for the group. Fold changes were calculated between diseased and age-matched sham mice. Significant differences are indicated by ****(P<0.0001) and ***(P<0.001) as determined by Mann-Whitney test. Linear regression analysis (Ai, Aii) shows that high C1q gene expression correlates with a worse disease outcome in TMEV-IDD (Ai), but an improved outcome in rEAE (Aii). At the same time, CFb (Bi, Bii) relates to a worse disease outcome in rEAE, but not in TMEV-IDD. Finally, there is no significant correlation between CFb gene expression (Ci-Cii) and clinical outcome neither in TMEV-IDD nor in rEAE. Finally, high MBL gene expression (Ci, Cii) correlates with an improved clinical outcome in rEAE (Cii), while no significant correlation is observed in TMEV-IDD (Ci). P value and the coefficient of determination R2 are indicated in each regression.