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. 2022 Jul 25;6(7):e39004. doi: 10.2196/39004

Table 2.

Examples of positive and critical feedback for all single-session interventions (SSIs).

SSI Positive feedback Critical feedback
ABCa “Thanks y’all! been dealing w some serious mental health issues and having places to remind me of my agency and joy is really helpful.” “Despite the great intentions and work I think there is situations that are very complicated and having this intermediate bot, very few info of the person you are helping it’s too simplistic.”

“this was really really helpful and i’m seriously going to try my goal/plan. I also feel awake and motivated enough to study. I’d love to see more in the future.” “This helped me see get through my rain cloud but now I kinda feel stressed.”

“Hey, this was surprisingly well done. I went in expecting it would be terrible. But you’re making mental health a really approachable topic for people. Thanks for working on reaching out to others. I’d love to see you continue with these mini-courses.” “This is a good idea, but only works for the things one has control over. If you are terminally ill, just lost a loved one or in another uncontrollable challenge, none of these can help.”
REFRAMEb “This is such a great way to de-stress, I mean re-frame your stress, it’s definitely a bit helpful.” “Less simplification”

“I decided to pick up my phone and do this while I was procrastinating. It’s so crazy how this seemingly small task changed my perspective.” “i think that one of the problems i see is that this requires people to be more specific and there isn’t a sense of connection.”

“I love this so much!! It actually made me feel better, which I didn’t think it would! Thank you <3.” “Please include physical stress reducers, as well. It is difficult to focus on reducing stress when I can’t properly string thoughts together.”
SAVEc “This is amazing. My thoughts of self-harm faded a bit, and prompted me to do the things alternative to when I have self-hate thoughts.” “It would’ve been more helpful if reasons for self-harm outside of self-hatred were explored. I’m currently dealing with external circumstances that are overwhelming me and my response is to harm myself. It feels like the only way to release my emotions.”

“This is the most convincing thing I’ve ever heard as to why not to self harm. Thank you so much this is so helpful.” “I have dealed with this so long that there wasn’t really anything new to me, so it really didn’t help.”

“Thank you. This course has definitely calmed me down when I was having a breakdown and thinking of hurting myself.” “Talk about slowly building up to recovery instead of just jumping right in. Talk about how to deal with intense emotions and more.”

aProject Action Brings Change (ABC) SSI.


cProject Stop Adolescent Violence Everywhere (SAVE) SSI.