Table 2.
The immediate effect of virtual reality (VR) reminiscence on cognition, global status, depressive symptoms, and caregiver burden. The comparison of scores before and after VR were evaluated by Wilcoxon sing-rank test.
Characteristics | Before VR, mean (SD) | Immediately after VR, mean (SD) | P value | |
MMSEa | 15.40 (5.47) | 14.95 (5.13) | .48 | |
CASIb | 55.47 (15.64) | 54.46 (16.64) | .22 | |
Remote memory (0-10) | 8.75 (1.80) | 8.25 (2.51) | .13 |
Orientation (0-18) | 6.65 (3.86) | 6.85 (3.68) | .52 |
Attention (0-8) | 5.85 (1.43) | 5.65 (1.63) | .54 |
Concentration (0-10) | 5.85 (2.91) | 5.95 (3.12) | .77 |
Recent memory (0-12) | 1.59 (1.55) | 1.66 (1.88) | .46 |
Fluency (0-10) | 3.30 (2.00) | 3.40 (2.42) | .95 |
Language (0-10) | 7.58 (2.39) | 7.45 (1.99) | .70 |
Abstraction (0-6) | 3.00 (1.69) | 2.80 (1.32) | .30 |
Judgment (0-6) | 4.65 (1.27) | 4.75 (1.21) | .74 |
Visual construction (0-10) | 8.25 (2.75) | 7.70 (3.33) | .10 |
CDRc sum of boxes | 7.26 (3.00) | 7.33 (2.43) | .64 | |
CESDd | 6.15 (5.73) | 3.15 (4.26) | .008 e | |
ZBIf | 34.65 (15.98) | 31.20 (14.05) | .14 |
aMMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination.
bCASI: Cognitive Assessment Screening Instrument.
cCDR: Clinical Dementia Rating.
dCESD: Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression.
eSignificant value is shown in italics.
fZBI: Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview.