(a) Heatmap of lectin
microarray data for postvaccination (day
28) serum samples. Columns represent the participants and rows represent
the probes. Shown is the normalized log2 ratios (Sample
signal (S)/Reference signal (R)). Total response scores are annotated
with a green-white sliding scale bar on the top of the heatmap. Rough
specificities of select lectins are annotated on the right of the
heatmap. (b,c) Boxplots of log2 fold-change for paired
d28 and d0 samples in non- and high responders. (b) High-mannose binding
lectins (Griffithisin and BanLecH84T). (c) Sialyl Lewis
X binding probes (Anti-sLex). Paired Mann–Whitney
U test was used to determine p-values. n.s.: not
statistically significant (no difference is observed d28/d0); (*) p < 0.05. Glycans are shown in SNFG notation at the side
of the boxplots. Symbols are defined as follows: galactose (yellow
●), N-acetylglucosamine (blue ■), mannose
(green ●), sialic acid (purple ◆), fucose (red ▲).