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. 2022;22(1):19–26. doi: 10.24911/SJP.106-1625340484

Table 4.

Distribution of 70 mothers according to coping patterns of care for their children with autism to daily living activities.

Items Pre Post Follow up
Totally dependent Semi- dependent Independent Totally dependent Semi- dependent Independent Totally dependent Semi dependent Independent
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Arranging his/her bed when he wakes up 60 85.7 6 8.6 4 5.7 60 85.7 5 7.1 5 7.1 54 77.1 11 15.7 5 7.1
2. Doing household tasks, including the organization all around 58 82.9 10 14.3 2 2.9 55 78.6 12 17.1 3 4.3 52 74.3 14 20.0 4 5.7
3. Reforming glitches at home including minor repairs around 61 87.1 6 8.6 3 4.3 59 84.3 8 11.4 3 4.3 55 78.6 12 17.1 3 4.3
4. Washing and drying clothes 61 87.1 8 11.4 1 1.4 55 78.6 11 15.7 4 5.7 51 72.9 16 22.9 3 4.3
5. Going to the bathroom and personal hygiene after defecating 31 44.3 18 25.7 21 30.0 18 25.7 19 27.10 33 47.10 18 25.7 21 30.0 31 44.3
6. Cleaning, tooth brushing and oral care, clean nose, bathing 19 27.1 29 41.4 22 31.4 13 18.6 22 31.4 35 50.0 12 17.1 27 38.6 31 44.3
7. Dressing and rearranging or putting things in place after use 19 27.10 29 41.4 22 31.4 12 17.10 24 34.3 34 48.6 11 15.7 28 40.0 31 44.3
8. Walking upstairs 16 22.9 14 20.0 40 57.1 9 12.9 16 22.9 45 64.3 8 11.4 21 30.0 41 58.6
9. Holding the pencil correctly 18 25.7 11 15.7 41 58.6 10 14.3 17 24.3 43 61.4 8 11.4 21 30.0 41 58.6
10. Preparing foods that do not require mixing or cook 61 87.1 6 8.6 3 4.3 55 78.6 9 12.9 6 8.6 54 77.1 12 17.1 4 5.7
11. Mixing and cooking simple foods 63 90.0 7 10.0 0 0.0 61 87.1 9 12.9 0 0.0 57 81.4 13 18.6 0 0.0
12.Preparing a complete meal 64 91.4 6 8.6 0 0.0 63 90.0 7 10.0 0 0.0 58 82.9 12 17.10 0 0.0
13.Processing and organizing the dining table before and after 61 87.10 6 8.6 3 4.3 58 82.9 8 11.4 4 5.7 55 78.6 12 17.10 3 4.3
14.Drinking water or juice from the cup 13 18.6 16 22.9 41 58.6 4 5.7 13 18.6 53 75.7 2 2.9 17 24.3 51 72.9
15.Eating from plates or dishes 11 15.7 18 25.7 41 58.6 5 7.1 12 17.1 53 75.7 2 2.9 17 24.3 51 72.9
16.Washing dishes 64 91.4 5 7.1 1 1.4 58 82.9 8 11.4 4 5.7 53 75.7 13 18.6 4 5.7
17.Cooperating, communicating, and participating effectively 59 84.3 10 14.3 1 1.4 56 80.0 8 11.4 6 8.6 40 57.1 24 34.3 6 8.6