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. 2022 Aug 9;22:394. doi: 10.1186/s12870-022-03772-w

Table 3.

Plant materials used for RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR analysis

Set of RNA-Seq data Variety Sample ID and Samples Treatment Platform LibraryLayout Accesion number Data sources
Plant materials for RNA-Seq analysis



CK1_1, CK1_2,CK1_3, CK2_1, CK2_2,CK2_3, T1_1, T1_2, T1_3, T2_1, T2_1, and T2_1. CK1 and T1: 35d Green stage (the peel just completely wraps the pulp, 35d after anthesis); CK2 and T2: 57d (The best edible stage of fruit) after anthesis. 35 days after anthesis treated with 4 mg/L CPPU. ILLUMINA PAIRED Home data



0d (SRR2952606),1d (SRR2954687), 3d (SRR2954690) and 7d (SRR2954691). 0d (completely green), 1d (only the stipe was colored), 3d (The peel was half colored), and 7d (fully colored).(mix sample of 3 biological replicates). Fruit clusters were bagged at 42 days after anthesis and removed after 2 weeks. ILLUMINA PAIRED SRA312830 Zhang et al., 2016


(Adult tree)

Green (SRX700596),Yellow (SRX700598), and Red (SRX700599). Green,Yellow and Red represented 52, 62 and 72 days after anthesis separately. (mix sample of 3 biological replicates) Normal condition. ILLUMINA SINGLE SRP047115 Lai et al., 2015



CK (SRX2336010) and T (SRX2934817). CK and T reprensted 0 and 28 days after the uniconazole treatment. (mix sample of 2 biological replicates). Inflorescence length of about 15 cm treated with 50 ppm Uniconazole. ILLUMINA SINGLE SRP092890 Wei et al., 2015


( 9-year-old)

CK2 (SRX847812), CK4 (SRX847822), CK7 (SRX847823), GPD2 (SRX847824), GPD4 (SRX847825), and GPD7 (SRX847826). GPD2, GPD4, and GPD7 represented 2, 4 and 7 days after treatment. (Mix sample). Treated with girdling followed by defoliation (GPD treatment) at 35 days after anthesis ILLUMINA SINGLE SRA234477 Li et al., 2015



CK0 (SRX5126892),CK1 (SRX5126893), CK2 (SRX5126894), CK3 (SRX5126895), ETH1 (SRX5126896), ETH2 (SRX5126897), and ETH3(SRX5126898). CK0,CK1,CK2, and CK3 represented 0, 1,2 and 3 days after treatment Treatment 250 mg/L ethephon solution at 25 days after anthesis. ILLUMINA SINGLE SRP173341 Li et al., 2015


(Adult tree)

0d (SRX968371), 4d (SRX968373), 14d-0 h (SRX968375), 14d-24 h (SRX968377), and 14d-48 h (SRX968379). Samples after harvest on 0d and 4d after stored at room temperature and 0 h, 24 h, and 48 h stored at room temperature after precooling for 14 days. (1 biological replicate). Samples after harvest. ILLUMINA SINGLE SRA247016 Yun et al., 2015
Plant materials for qRT-PCR analysis



35d, 43d, 50d, 57d, 67d, and 71d. Peel (3 biological replicates). 35 days after anthesis treated with 4 mg/L CPPU. Home data



41d, 50d, 60d, 67d, and 77d. Peel (3 biological replicates). Normal condition, ( sample follected at 41 days after anthesis). Home data



0d, 1d, 2d, and 3d. Fruitlet (3 biological replicates). Girdling plus defoliation treatment (GPD) at 35 days after anthesis. Home data



0d, 1d, 2d, and 3d. Abscission zone tissues (3 biological replicates). 250 mg/L Exogenous ethephon (ETH) at 35 days after anthesis. Home data