Fig. 1. Upregulated expression of DPF3 in ccRCC.
a Schematic representation of the DPF3 splicing isoforms and the corresponding protein structures. b Expression analysis of DPF3 in normal kidney tissues (n = 72 individuals) and ccRCC patients from the TCGA-KIRC cohort (n = 534 individuals). Results represent median expression levels with 25 and 75% quartile. Y-axis represents the expression values of expectation-maximization (RSEM). Statistical significance was estimated using a two-sided Wilcoxon test. c Expression analysis of each exon of DPF3 (exon 6 to exon 12) in normal kidney tissues (n = 72 individuals) and ccRCC patients of the TCGA-KIRC cohort (n = 534 individuals). Results represent median expression levels with 25 and 75% quartile. Each dot represents one individual. Y-axis represents the expression values of expectation-maximization (RSEM).