Fig. 3.
Feature weights obtained from three lSVM classifiers trained on 9 clinical features plus age and education level (a), 13 imaging features (b), or both clinical and imaging features (c). Out-of-sample accuracy from leave-one-out cross-validation and bootstrap p-values are reported above each plot (*p < 0.05). Bars indicate average weights, and 5–95 percentiles of the weight distributions estimated over 30 leave-one-out cross-validation loops. lSVM, linear support vector machine classifies, TUG, timed up and go test, executive func., executive functions, FCSRT, French version of the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test immediate free recall test, WAIS III Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale symbol digit modalities test, PCMF posterior callosal marginal fissure, CF calcarine fissure, ODI orientation dispersion index, Vic intracellular volume fraction, PLIC posterior limb of the internal capsule, CING cingulum bundle, DMNintra functional connectivity between default mode network (DMN) regions, DMNsv functional connectivity between DMN and somatomotor and visual regions, DMNec functional connectivity between DMN and executive-control regions, THAL thalamus, PCC posterior cingulate cortex