Fig. 4.
DEGs in the CC were associated with obesity-related traits in humans. Comparisons of differentially expressed genes, genes with expression levels significantly correlated with body fat % (BF%), and genes previously found to be associated with obesity-related traits in the GWAS catalog revealed A the number of genes differentially expressed by diet that also had expression levels significantly correlated with body fat % and associated with obesity traits in humans (65), B the number of genes differentially expressed by CC strain that also had expression levels significantly correlated with body fat % and associated with obesity traits in humans (431), and C the number of genes that fall under all four categories (62). Gene annotation, body fat % correlations, limma statistics, and a subset of related GWAS annotation are shown for the 65 diet DEGs in Supplementary Table 7 and 431 strain DEGs in Supplementary Table 8 (see Additional file 2)