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. 2022 Aug 10;181(10):3733–3738. doi: 10.1007/s00431-022-04584-8

Table 1.

Statistically significant indicators for immunoglobulin resistance in children with PIMS-TS

Variable Valid N
Group 1
Median 25% quartile 75% quartile Valid N
Group 2
Median 25% quartile 75% quartile p-value
NT-proBNP [pg/ml] 21 985 249 2544 20 5201 685 24,981 0.0110
Troponin I [ng/ml] 22 0.006 0.001 0.014 20 0.051 0.014 0.259 0.0023
Platelet count [thou/ul] 24 309 226 484 22 108 86 160 0.0000
Leukocytes [thou/ul] 24 11.44 10.20 18.23 22 8.41 5.42 13.50 0.0348
Lymphocytes [thou/ul] 24 1.99 0.99 2.98 22 0.82 0.54 1.45 0.0160
CRP [mg/l] 24 140 91 253 22 219 172 289 0.0377
Procalcitonin [ng/ml] 24 1.41 0.42 1.92 22 6.63 3.70 16.05 0.0000
Lactates [mmol/l] 19 1.68 1.00 2.19 21 2.49 1.76 3.01 0.0206
Sodium [mmol/l] 24 138 136 140 22 136 132 137 0.0186
Ferritin [ug/l] 24 226 130 400 22 578 296 1729 0.0014
D-Dimers [ng/ml] 24 1758 856 3579 21 4240 2638 6301 0.0008
Creatinine [mg/dl] 23 0.48 0.45 0.56 22 0.67 0.53 0.85 0.0026
Albumin[g/dl] 23 3.50 3.00 3.90 22 2.90 2.70 3.00 0.0037
EF [%] 17 58 51 65 34 67.5 65 71 0.0001

Group 1, patients who only required administration of IVIG; group 2, patients who required additional treatment (steroids, biological agents)

CRP C-reactive protein, EF ejection fraction