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. 2022 Jul 16;32(4):378–383. doi: 10.4103/ijn.ijn_23_22

Table 2.

Published case reports of GN post AstraZeneca COVID vaccination

Study Caza et al.[5] Morlidge et al.[9]2 cases Gillion et al.[8] Villa et al.[10] Anupama et al.[7] Leclerc et al.[11] David et al.[12] Present case report
Age (years) 23 Case 1: 30
Case 2: 40
77 63 19 71 Case1: 75
Case 2: 74
Sex M Case 1: M
Case 2: F
M M F M M both M
Symptoms onset post COVID vaccination 2 weeks post first dose Case 1: 2 days post first dose
Case 2: 1 day post first dose
4 weeks post first dose 7 days post first dose 8 days post first dose 13 days post first dose Case 1: 5 weeks post first dose
Case 2: 2 weeks post first dose
12 days post first dose
Presentation NS, AKI Foamy urine, relapse of MCD
Case 1: Post steroid, tacrolimus, rituximab
Case 2: Post steroid+tacrolimus
AKI Deranged renal function NS NS Old case of
Case 1: Renal limited MPA
Case 2: No renal involvement prior
Both presented with deranged renal function
Serum creatinine 2.9 mg/dl Case 1: 0.9 mg/dl, Case 2: 1.18 mg/dl 2.7 mg/dl 2.90 mg/dl 1.09 mg/dl Oligoanuric AKI requiring hemodialysis
Serum creatinine: 10.6 mg/dl
Peak creatinine
Case 1: 7.5 mg/dl
Case 2: 9.96 mg/dl
1.02 mg/dl
Proteinuria 14 g/day Case 1: UPCR- 142 mg/mmol, Case 2: Urine protein 3+ Normal Urine protein 2+ UPCR: 3.18 UPCR: 2,312 mg/mmol 23.87 g/day
Hematuria Present No No Mild hematuria No 6-10 RBCs Yes No
ANA Positive Not done Negative Neg - - Negative
ANCA Negative Not done Negative p ANCA positive - p ANCA positive in both Negative
Renal biospy MCD Not done Noncaseating, non-necrotizing granuloma around small vessels Focal class of ANCA associated GN MCD (mesangial proliferative variant) MCD/AKI Active crescentic pauci immune GN suggestive of relapse FSGS
(tip variant)
Maximum follow-up 3 weeks Case 1: 10 days post steroid
Case 2: 2 weeks
4 weeks post steroid 6 weeks post steroid + cyclophosphamide Not mentioned 68 days, off hemodialysis after 38 days Case 1: RRT+steroid+rituximab
Case 2: Steroid+cyclophosphamide
11 months
Response to treatment Yes Yes in both cases Yes. Had also humoral response 8 weeks post vaccination Yes Yes Yes Case 1: Dialysis-dependent
Case 2: Renal dysfunction persists
No response noted till now to steroid/tacrolimus/rituximab. Humoral response to vaccination noted
Follow-up serum creatinine 1.0 Same as earlier Normal creatinine 2.08 mg/dl Normal 1.2 mg/dl 3.4 mg/dl 1.02 mg/dl
Follow-up proteinuria UPCR: 0.07 Normal Normal Not mentioned Normal UPCR: 28 mg/mmol - 20.7 g/day

NS=Nephrotic syndrome, AKI=Acute kidney injury, UPCR=Urine protein creatinine ratio, MCD=Minimal change disease