(A) The circadian clock network is shown in both hemispheres. Currently identified cells are shown in color (s-LNvs red, l-LNvs light red, LNds in orange, DN1a in purple, a subset of DN1p in blue) and known clock cells not yet identified within the hemibrain connectome data are shown in gray (DN2, DN3, and a subset of DN1p). The pars intercerebralis (PI) and optic lobe (OL) are indicated in gray. (B) Identified clock neurons in the hemibrain. Neuropils are shown in gray. Color codes as indicated in (A). (C) Heatmap indicates synaptic connections strength among all identified circadian clock neurons, including weak (weight <3) connections. (D) The timekeeping lateral neurons that compose the morning (M) and evening (E) Oscillators: s-LNvs (M cells), and 5th LNv and LNds (E cells).