Figure 4.
Seipin enriches TAG and SE via interactions with its hydrophobic helix. (A) Initial (0 µs) and final (5 µs) top-view snapshots of coarse-grained MD simulations showing enrichment of TAG (pink, left panels) and SE (green, right panels) by human Seipin (blue). (B) Analysis of lipid enrichment by human Seipin shown as a fraction of total lipids inside the Seipin ring. The dashed line indicates the fraction of the membrane surface occupied by the Seipin ring. Bars represent the average of three independent simulations (circles). (C) Snapshot of MD simulations highlighting human Seipin interaction with TAG (left, pink) and SE (right, green). Human Seipin is shown in dark blue, with S165/166 in the HH depicted as light blue spheres. NL beads are colored as shown in panel E/F, with the carboxyl esters in dark pink (TAG) or dark green (SE). Poses were generated using PyLipID (Song et al., 2022). (D) Analysis of human Seipin HH residues occupancy by TAG (pink) and SE (green). Bars indicate minimum to maximum values with a line at the median.