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. 2022 Aug 10;12:326. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-02076-9

Table 1.

Summary of reviewed articles whereby epigenetic modifications of genes from cell-type-enriched isolates, or genes with cell-type-enriched expression from heterogenous brain tissue, were measured in offspring exposed to early life stress.

Cell type Analysis Stress timing Animal Early life stress type Age point(s) Sex Brain region Findings Reference
Neuron Isolates Postnatal Rat Maternal separation PND56 Male DG ↑ Retinoic acid receptor promoter DNAm of CpG island [102]
Neonatal stress PND90 Both mPFC Bdnf IV DNAm across 12 CpG sites (females only) [100]
Enriched expression Prenatal Rat Maternal stress PND0 Male Whole brain ↑ miR-323 [108]
Maternal stress PND60 Male HPC & PFC

↑ miR-133b in HPC

↓ miR-133b in PFC

Postnatal Mouse Maternal separation PND42–56 Both AMY Htr1a promoter DNAm (females) [113]
Maternal separation PND16 Male HPC Arc promoter histone H4ac [109]
Rat Maternal separation PND60 Both PVN & CeA Crh promoter CpG1 and CpG2 methylation in PVN [119]
Maternal separation and/or CUS Adult Male NAc & striatum

↑ miR-326 in NAc

↓ miR-326 in striatum

(for CUS & MS+CUS only)

Maternal separation Adult Undeclared Ca1

↑ Crh promoter histone H3ac

↓ Crh promoter CpG methylation

Microglia Isolates Prenatal Mouse Maternal allergic asthma PND35 Female Whole brain WGBS, DMR, functional annotation, pathway analysis [129]
Postnatal Rat Maternal separation+ handling ~PND60 Male NAc Il10 gene CpG island methylation [131]
Neonatal alcohol PND6 & 90 Combined Mediobasal hypoT

Tnfa promoter histone H3K9ac

Il6 promoter histone H3K9ac

Enriched expression Prenatal Rat Maternal LPS PND1 Undeclared Whole brain ↓ miR-146 & miR-126 [132]
Oligoden-drocyte Isolates Postnatal Human Childhood abuse

Childhood abuse: 19–85 years

Controls: 15–81 years

Combined ACC

LINGO3 gene CpG methylation

POU3F1 gene CpG methylation

Enriched expression Prenatal Rat Maternal stress PND0 Male Whole brain ↑ miR-219 [108]
Astrocyte Enriched expression Postnatal Rat Maternal separation PND35 Male Frontal cortex Gfap promoter CpG methylation [138]

ac acetylation, ACC anterior cingulate cortex, AMY amygdala, Arc activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein, Bdnf brain derived neurotrophic factor, CeA central amygdala, Crh corticotropin releasing hormone, CUS chronic unpredictable stress, DG dentate gyrus, DNAm DNA methylation, DMR differentially methylated regions, Gfap glial fibrillary acidic protein, HPC hippocampus, Htr1a serotonin receptor 1A, HypoT hypothalamus, Il10 interleukin 10, LINGO3 leucine-rich repeat and immunoglobulin-like domain-containing nogo receptor-interacting protein 3, LPS lipopolysaccharide, miR micro-RNA, mPFC medial prefrontal cortex, MS maternal separation, NAc nucleus accumbens, PND postnatal day, POU3F1 POU class 3 homeobox 1, PVN paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, WGBS whole genome bisulfite sequencing.