Figure 1.
Epidemiological overview in Japan. (A) Confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection from 3 March to 30 November 2021 by age group (> 14 years) are shown (left-hand side vertical axis). The coverage of first dose vaccination is shown as a black line (right-hand side vertical axis). Dashed lines represent launch dates of the vaccination program, initially prioritizing those aged 65 years and older and the vaccination in the workplace program. Shaded areas highlighted in yellow represent the second, third, and fourth states of emergency, which were declared from 8 January to 21 March, from 25 April to 20 June, and from 12 July to 30 September 2021, respectively. (B) Timeline of the declarations of the state of emergency during the period of analysis. Each state of emergency period corresponds to the area highlighted in yellow in (A).