Figure 8.
Pearson correlation between antioxidants and biochemical traits with plant biomass parameters under salinity stress; Pro, (Proline), SL (Shoot length), RL (Root length), PH (Plant height), FW (Fresh weight), DW (Dry weight), LA (Leaf area), Chl a (Chlorophyll a), Chl b (Chlorophyll b), T. Chl (Total chlorophyll), Caro (Carotenoids), DPPH (Radical scavenging capacity), SOD (Superoxide dismutase), POD (Peroxidases), APX (Ascorbate peroxidase), AA (Ascorbic acid), TPC (Total phenolic content), TFC (Total flavonoid content), TSS (Total soluble sugars), TP (Total Protein), RWC (Relative water content), EL (Electrolyte leakage), H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide), MDA (Malondialdehyde), FAA (Free amino acids), GB (Glycine betaine). The treatments exhibit (*) within rows that represent a significance (p ≤ 0.05) level.