Table 5.
Overview of the pneumatic devices.
Scenario | DOF | Low-level Control | High-level Control | TRL | Year and Related works |
A | 2, S: abd/add, E: flex/ext | Pressure | – | 4 | 2004 [108, 109] |
A | 1, W: flex/ext | Pressure | Bending signal trigger | 5 | 2005 [25] |
R | 4, E: flex/ext, FA: pron/sup, W: flex/ext, ulnar/radial dev | Force | Individual actuators control to induce muscle activation pattern | 5 | 2013 [110–115] |
R | 3, FA: pron/sup, W: flex/ext, ulnar/radial dev | Pressure | – | 4/5 | 2015 [116] |
R | 2, W: flex/ext radial/ulnar dev | Position | – | 5 | 2015 [76] |
R | 1, E: flex/ext | Position | Pre-defined joint trajectory | 5 | 2015 [22] |
A | 1, S: abd/add | Position | – | 4 | 2016 [15] |
R | 2, W: flex/ext, radial/ulnar dev | Pressure | Manually defined setpoint | 4 | 2017 [117, 118] |
R | 1, E: flex/ext | Pressure | Pre-defined or EMG triggered | 5 | 2017 [24] |
A | 2, S: abd/add, flex/ext | Position | – | 4 | 2017 [14] |
A | 1, S: abd/add | Position | – | 4 | 2017 [119] |
R | 3, S: flex-ext, E: flex-ext, FA: pron-sup | Pressure | Manually defined setpoint | 4 | 2018 [26] |
A/I | 1, E: flex/ext | - | – | 4 | 2018 [120, 121] |
A | 1, E: flex/ext | Pressure | Bending signal trigger | 5 | 2018 [122, 123] |
Sport | 1, S: Bat swing assistance in baseball | Pressure | Acceleration signal trigger | 5 | 2018 [50] |
Sport | 1, S: forehand swing motion Medical | Pressure | Electric valve switch | 5 | 2018 [51] |
R | 2, E: flex/ext, FA: pron/sup | Pressure | – | 4 | 2018 [124] |
R | 2, W: flex/ext, radial/ulnar dev | Position | Mirroring the healthy limb | 5 | 2018 [70] |
R | 2, S: Bimanual wheelchair push | Pressure | IMUs signal-based trigger | 5 | 2018 [69] |
I | 1, E: flex/ext | Pressure | Manually defined setpoint | 4 | 2018 [20] |
Medical | 3, S: abd/add, flex/ext, E: flex/ext | Pressure | – | 4 | 2019 [77, 125] |
- | 1, E: flex/ext | Pressure | – | 4 | 2019 [126] |
R/A | 2, S: abd/add, flex/ext | Pressure | Joystick | 4 | 2019 [21] |
R | 1, S: abd/add | Pressure | Buttons trigger inflation and deflation | 4/5 | 2019 [63] |
R | 1, E: flex/ext | Position | Pre-defined joint trajectory | 3 | 2019 [23, 127] |
R | 2, W: flex/ext, radial/ulnar dev | Pressure | – | 4 | 2019 [128] |
R | 1, FA: pron/sup | Position | Pre-defined joint trajectory | 4 | 2019 [129] |
R | 2, S: elev, E: flex/ext | Position | Mirroring the healthy limb | 5 | 2019 [71] |
R | 1, FA: pron/sup | Pressure | Pre-defined assistance levels | 4 | 2019 [130] |
R | 1, S: abd/add | Pressure | Linear increase of pressure during abduction | 4 | 2019 [131] |
R | 4, S: flex/ext, E: flex/ext, FA: pron/sup, W: flex/ext | Pressure | Button-triggered manually adjustable setpoint | 5/6 | 2020 [64, 132] |
I/R | 3, S: flex/ext, E: flex/ext, W: flex/ext both single and dual arm | Force | Action and pose recognition | 6 | 2020 [65, 67] |
R/A | 1 | Pressure | – | 4 | 2020 [133] |
R | 1, S: abd/add | - | – | 3 | 2020 [27] |
Medical | 1, S: abd/add | - | – | 4 | 2020 [134] |
R | 1, S: elev | Pressure | Manually defined setpoint | 5/6 | 2020 [19] |
S = shoulder, E = elbow, FA = forearm, W = wrist, abd = abduction, add = adduction, flex = flexion, ext = extension, rot = rotation, pron = pronation, sup = supination, dev = deviation, elev = elevation, R = rehabilitation, A = assistance, I = industrial