Table 2.
Data collection and systematization.
Item | Description |
Research strings | String 1: “Cybersecurity and Coronavírus” or “COVID-19 pandemic” or “corona crisis” “corona” disease” “network security” “disease management” or “Internet security” “family* firm*” or “business crisis*” String 2: “Coronavírus” or “COVID-19” and “DDoS*” or “Phishing” or “ransomware” or “APT” or “eavesdropping*” or “ Botnet” or “Malware” or “Scamming” or “Scam” or “Scan*” String 3: “COVID-19” or “coronavirus” and “Intrusion” or “Cyber-attack” or “Cybercriminals” or “Loss” or “Losses” String 4: “Coronavírus” or “COVID-19” and “business disruption” or “network disruption” or “financial impact” or “financial crisis” or “economic crisis” or “economic impact” or “socio-economic crisis” or “socio-economic impact”. |
Online databases | →IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore, →Emerald insight, →Science Direct, →Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), →ACM Digital Library, →PubMed, →Scopus, →Compendex →Elsevier, →Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), →Springer, →Taylor and Francis, →World of Science (WoS), →EBSCO Host, →Journal Storage (JSTOR), →Google Scholar, →Willey, →Others include a resources list from COVID-19 research: journals, websites, and bibliographies |
Period | March 2020 to December 2021 |
Area of research | Cyber-attacks and COVID-19 crisis |
Language | English |
Documents | Article and Review and Editorial |
Date of search | December 2021 |