Figure 6.
CRIPTO protein distribution in NTERA2 cell line. (a) Representative image of NTERA2 cell culture. (b) Flow cytometry analysis of CRIPTO protein presence on the cell membrane of NTERA2 cells. Two populations of CRIPTO positive cells (high and low), exposing different levels of the protein on the membrane, were distinguished by the respective gates. (c) Distribution of the CRIPTO high and low populations. The results are a mean of three independent experiments. (d) Equal protein amounts (20 ug) of NTERA2 cell lysates (NT2), large extracellular vesicles (lEVs), small extracellular vesicles (sEVs), and supernatant at the end of the centrifugation procedure (Sup III) were immunoblotted with an antibody against CRIPTO or against the EV marker heat shock protein 70 (HSP70).