Effect of combined heat and osmotic stress on cell wall suberization of Arabidopsis primary root (PR), at secondary (a,d) and primary (c,f) development stages, and lateral roots (LR; b,e). Expression of suberin biosynthetic gene GPAT5 was detected after 6 h of control and combined heat and osmotic stress treatments using pGPAT5::mCITRINE-SYP122 line (a–c). FY staining was used in col-0 Arabidopsis to detect cell wall suberization after 6 h of control and combined heat and osmotic stress treatments (d–f). The 3D maximum projection figures were obtained by confocal laser scanning with Z-stack images. Pixel values were converted in a thermal look-up-table. Scale bar-50 µm. For the corresponding bright field images, please refer to the Supplementary Figure S2.