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. 2022 Aug 5;19(15):9636. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159636

Table 3.

Analysis of factors associated with COMFORTS scale scores.

Variable Median (IQR) p
Education level
No education/primary (n = 40) 184 (174–198) 0.163 1
Secondary education (n = 53) 193 (157.5–199)
Higher education (n = 23) 179 (162–187)
Primigravida (n = 43) 179 (195–157) 0.158 2
Multigravida (n = 73) 185 (199–167)
Primiparous (n = 52) 174 (193–155.5) 0.003 2
Multiparous (n = 64) 187 (199–173)
Maternal education
Yes (n = 46) 185 (196–158.5) 0.861 2
No (n = 70) 180.5 (199–166.8)
Onset of labor
Induced (n = 44) 179.5 (160–196.8) 0.648 2
Spontaneous (n = 72) 183.5 (165.8–196)
Duration of pregnancy
Preterm (n = 5) 187 (164–198) 0.556 1
Term (n = 67) 179 (172–190)
Post term (n = 44) 179.5 (160.5–195.5)
Type of chilbirth
Eutocic (n = 78) 182.5 (168.8–196.5) 0.090 1
Instrumental (n = 14) 191.5 (176.8–200)
Caesarian section (n = 24) 171.5 (157–193.5)
Number of professionals providing care
1–2 (n = 37) 182 (169.5–199) 0.703 1
3–5 (n = 67) 180 (159–196)
>5 (n = 26) 184.50 (174–196)
Number of professionals who performed a vaginal examination
0–2 (n = 63) 182 (162–199) 0.338 1
3–5 (n = 52) 181.5 (167.3–196)
>5 (n = 1) 200 (200–200)
Perineal injury
No perineal trauma (n = 41) 179 (160–196) 0.337 1
First degree tear (n = 24) 191 (179.5–199.8)
Second degree tear (n = 33) 183 (160.5–198)
Episiotomy (n = 18) 176.5 (151–190)
Labor companion
Partner (n = 103) 183 (162–196) 0.269 1
Other relative (n = 4) 172.5 (168.5–178)
Nobody (n = 9) 196 (168.5–199.5)
The companion was chosen prior to childbirth
Yes (n = 104) 182.50 (162.5–196) 0.293 2
No (n = 12) 170 (168–170)
Time of birth
Day (n = 50) 185.50 (165.8–198.3) 0.254 2
Night (n = 66) 179.50 (161.5–196)
Use of epidural analgesia
Yes (n = 87) 183 (164–196) 0.830 2
No (n = 29) 182 (165–197)
Epidural effectiveness
Relieved (n = 61) 183 (163–196) 0.619 1
Did not relieve (n = 2) 169 (153–169)
Partial relief, use of bolus (n = 24) 179.5 (166.5–199.8)
Epidural use as planned
Used as planned (n = 69) 186 (169.5–198) 0.020 1
Did not use as planned (n = 13) 172 (157–185)
Used without initial plan (n = 18) 173.5 (187.50–146.3)
Did not use, planned do it (n = 16) 188 (172.5–199.8)
Use of nonpharmacological analgesic methods
Yes (n = 17) 179 (162–195.5) 0.769 2
No (n = 99) 183 (165–196)
Companion on the hospital ward during the postpartum period
Partner (n = 111) 182 (162–196) 0.035 1
Other relative (n = 2) 177 (175–177)
Nobody (n = 3) 200 (200–200)

1 Kruskal–Wallis test; 2 Mann–Whitney U test; IQR: Interquartile range.