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. 2022 Aug 5;19(15):9660. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159660

Table 3.

The SDM regression results for the whole country and individual Chinese regions.

Variables Whole Country East Central West Northeast
Labor −0.751 *** −0.668 0.16 −1.825 *** −3.955 *
Labor 2 1.332 *** 0.992 0.248 3.181 *** 4.530 *
Land 0.174 ** 1.222 *** 0.311 * 0.260 * −0.00639
MCI 0.236 *** 0.448 *** 0.179 *** 0.159 *** −0.562
Ln.PINC −0.00791 0.277 * 0.233 *** −0.035 1.717 ***
IRR −0.345 *** −0.201 −0.515 *** −0.399 ** −2.512 ***
ATP 0.00864 ** 0.0219 *** −0.00237 0.000971 0.201 **
FER −0.293 *** −0.862 *** 0.142 −0.361 * 7.284 ***
AGE −0.846 ** 0.441 −2.766 *** −2.326 *** 4.198 **
W × Labor −0.488 −0.807 −1.681 −6.591 * −7.833 **
W × Labor2 1.089 *** 0.192 3.656 * 9.095 4.946
ρ −0.0583 −0.0585 −1.196 *** −0.974 *** −0.833 ***
Sigma 0.0157 *** 0.0108 *** 0.0004 *** 0.0110 *** 0.0010 ***

Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.