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. 2022 Aug 4;19(15):9616. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159616

Table 9.

Beta-blockers compared to other antihypertensive drugs or placebo in mothers with gestational hypertension.

Certainty Assessment Summary of Findings
Risk of Bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication Bias Overall Certainty of Evidence Study Event Rates (%) Relative Effect
(95% CI)
Anticipated Absolute Effects
With Other Antihypertensive Drugs or Placebo With Beta-Blockers Risk with Other Antihypertensive Drugs or Placebo Risk Difference with Beta-Blockers
Bradycardia (Cohort studies)
(3 observational studies)
Serious a Serious b not serious Serious c strong association ⨁⨁◯◯
11,669/2,282,318 (0.5%) 175/11089 (1.6%) RR 2.10
(0.97 to 4.55)
5 per 1000 6 more per 1000
(from 0 fewer to 18 more)
Bradycardia (Case control studies)
45 cases 800 controls
(5 observational studies)
very serious d very serious e not serious very serious f none ⨁◯◯◯
Very low
45 cases 800 controls RR 1.86
(0.31 to 11.19)
0 per 1000 0 fewer per 1000
(from 0 fewer to 0 fewer)
Bradycardia (RCTs)
(11 RCTs)
very serious g not serious not serious not serious none ⨁⨁◯◯
15/1017 (1.5%) 38/996 (3.8%) RR 2.36
(1.33 to 4.18)
15 per 1000 20 more per 1000
(from 5 more to 47 more)
Hypoglycemia (Cohort studies)
(6 observational studies)
Serious h serious i not serious not serious strong association ⨁⨁⨁◯
29,954/2,362,830 (1.3%) 620/12,127 (5.1%) RR 3.01
(2.79 to 3.25)
13 per 1000 25 more per 1000
(from 23 more to 29 more)
Hypoglycemia (Case control studies)
168 cases 416 controls
(5 observational studies)
very serious j not serious i not serious Serious k none ⨁◯◯◯
Very low
168 cases 416 controls RR 1.72
(1.33 to 2.22)
0 per 1000 0 fewer per 1000
(from 0 fewer to 0 fewer)
Hypoglycemia (RCTs)
(12 RCTs)
Serious l not serious not serious serious c none ⨁⨁◯◯
57/1018 (5.6%) 77/1033 (7.5%) RR 1.06
(0.79 to 1.41)
56 per 1000 3 more per 1000
(from 12 fewer to 23 more)

CI: confidence interval; RR: risk ratio. Explanations a All the studies had a moderate risk of overall bias. b I2 > 50%. c 95% CI crosses line of no effect. d The study with the highest weightage had a serious risk of overall bias. e I2 = 82%. f Very low event rates and 95% CI shows appreciable benefit and harm. g Most of the studies had a high risk of overall bias. h The study contributing to maximum weightage had a moderate risk of overall bias. i Though the I2 was large, it was due to differences between the small and large magnitude of effects. j Most of the studies had a serious to critical risk of overall bias. k Optimal information criterion (OIS) not satisfied due to a low event rate and sample size. l The studies with highest weightage had a high risk of overall bias or some concerns. ⨁◯◯◯: Very low, ⨁⨁◯◯: Low, ⨁⨁⨁◯: Moderate and ⨁⨁⨁⨁: High.