Immunoblot confirmation of relaxin effects. The results are from the HFL1 fibroblast cell line, presenting relaxin (R) influence on collagen I protein expression. Collagen type I (COL1) consists of two α1 (COL1A1) chains and one α2 chain (COL1A2, presented here, 110 kDa), which is a hallmark of fibrosis. The results mirror the expression obtained on the mRNA level. OD (Odds Ratio for H16 = 84 vs. OD for H16R = 72, + p < 0.05 in comparison to the rhinovirus sample (HRV-2 or HRV-16, respectively)); C—control sample with medium only. N = 3, β-actin (42 kDa) was an endogenous control. H16R, H2R—rhinovirus 16 and 2 added first, followed by relaxin—after 24 h, as well as RH16, RH2—relaxin added first, followed by rhinovirus 16 and 2—added after 24 h.