Examples of the output of Web service Plant_SNP_TATA_Z-tester regarding assessment of agriculturally valuable mutations in plant proximal promoters for gene expression responsive to environmental factors during wheat development. (a) Deletions of the spacer (dotted box) between a TBP-binding site (solid box) and a TSS of wheat gene VRN1 can downregulate vernalization protein 1 encoded by this gene, which is the widely accepted genome-wide molecular marker of spring wheats in contrast to winter wheats [69]. (b) Statistically significant upregulation of the glutenin high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunit, which determines the gluten level in the grain, in wheatgrass (Thinopyrum) as compared to wheat (Triticum) [70]. This result explains how, in the harsh Siberian climate, wheat–wheatgrass hybrids increase grain baking quality without yield losses in comparison with the mother wheat variety [71].