IC50 determination for GS-443902 and cordycepin-TP. (A) The polymerization assay with a pool of 0.5 μM NTP, under increasing amounts of GS-443902 from 0μM to 81.9 μM. The assay was used to determine the IC50 concentration of GS-443902 for 0.5 μM and 1 μM competing NTP concentrations. (B) Same assay as in (A) but with cordycepin-TP as inhibitor. (C) The assay was used to calculate the IC50 for competing NTP concentrations of 1 μM and 0.5 μM for GS-443902. (D) IC50 determination for competing NTP concentrations of 1 μM, 0.5 μM and 0.1 μM for cordycepin-TP. When compared to GS-443902, cordycepin-TP reaches a 100% inhibition, while GS-443902 still leads to the full-length product. The level of 100% activity was determined by the 40-mer signal in the control reaction without inhibitor (lane 1) and 0% activity by the absence of the 40-mer signal. The radiographs for GC-443902 and Cordycepin-TP were conducted in, respectively, one and two replicates per NTP concentration.