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. 2022 Aug 4;2022:6528264. doi: 10.1155/2022/6528264

Table 1.

Demographic information of the Informants.

Variable Categories No. of informants N = 130 Percentage (%)
Gender Male 105 80.77
Female (Dayiahs/midwives) 25 19.23

Informant category Traditional healers 90 69.23
Indigenous people 40 30.77

Occupation Herbalists 76 58.46
Housewives 25 19.23
Professional 29 22.31

Age 35–50 15 11.54
50–65 53 40.77
Above 65 62 47.69

Education level Illiterate 53 40.77
Primary level 34 26.15
Middle level 15 11.54
Secondary level 12 09.23
Undergraduate (Hakims) 9 06.92
Graduate (Hakims) 7 05.38